Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pregnancy thoughts

Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or maybe it's just me but I find myself deep in thoughts lately.  Thoughts of the past, of the present and future and I constantly think to myself why did this or that happen?  Why did my life take me down this path or that?  Why did this person enter my life?  What was the purpose for them?  What was the purpose for me to them? I often find myself thinking of people that have come into and out of my life more often than I want.  Most of the time I just allow it to happen instead of getting upset because I don't regret anything I have done in my life.  For those that are no longer in it I wish them well.  I am not one of those people that sit here and hope bad things come to them if they have done me wrong.  It's actually quite the opposite, like I said I wish them well, I hope their lives turn out how they want and they live happily ever fucking after :)