Thursday, June 4, 2015


Talia DiChristina
I am super excited to start off this blog by introducing myself as a For Two Fitness Ambassador!  You can see their stuff on their website at  They have amazing workout clothes for girls just like us, pregnant and fit!  I started my fitness journey back in 2002 when I graduated High School (wow was that a long time ago).  I wanted to lose weight for my graduation and I did just that but I didn't keep up on it and college got to me fast.  In 2006-2007 is when I started going back to the gym and fell in love with lifting and working out.  I set out to become a certified personal trainer and I absolutely loved it.  Along the way, reading fitness magazines and doing research I came across Body Building competitions and I did my first bikini competition in October of 2011.  I had a blast, met some amazing, strong, intelligent and beautiful women.  Unfortunately, along the way I knew something was off.  Long before stepping on stage I had an issue with eating and my body image.  I often over ate and then felt like I had to compensate by working out on the elliptical for hours the next day.  I ate when I was stressed, I ate when I was happy but it wasn't a normal amount of food it was excessive.  This happened for years on and off and it wasn't until after my competition (post competition blues) that I knew I needed to get help.  I was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa, Non Purging type which now in the DSM V can be classified as Binge Eating Disorder.  The reason it was categorized under Bulimia Nervosa was because I was compensating.  Not only over exercising but under eating and restricting which would cause the cycle to continue over and over.  I did great in counseling, it was awesome to talk it out, and figure out how to change my thoughts and behaviors.  While in therapy I set out to do another competition but soon found out I was pregnant with my first baby.  This changed EVERYTHING.  I finally woke up and realized it was no longer about me, I couldn't be engaging in these types of behaviors if I wanted to be a good role model for my daughter.  So I worked hard inside and outside of the gym.  I gave birth to a healthy, happy, and active baby girl.  After she was born I continued on my fitness journey and by the time she was a year old I was 20 pounds UNDER pre-pregnancy weight.  I use an approach that allows me to incorporate any kind of treats as long as I hit certain numbers (If It Fits Your Macros).  This has worked well for me and I have had such great success I set out to prep for another competition and then BOOM pregnant again!  I am super excited and thrilled to make this fitness journey with baby #2 and as an ambassador with For Two Fitness.  I have worked so hard and waited so long to tell my story and I know that once it gets out many women and maybe even men can relate.  Being a woman in this society is not easy with Photoshop and all of the other apps that can alter a photo in a matter of less than 10 clicks.  As a 31 year old mother of one and one on the way I feel the best I have in my entire life and I am excited to have my children follow in my fitness footsteps!

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